What is permanent anyway?
This ink only lasts 'til the grave,
Skin and ideas decompose
That which we did compose.
~Corri Alius
Tribal Design Flower Tattoo on Sexy Girl Back
Tribal Tattoo Design on Female Arms and Buttocks
Cool Dragon Tattoo Design on Sexy Female
Chest Tattoo Design on Sexy Female
Sun Tattoo Design For Sexy Lower Back of Female
"An everlasting gem that you will take into your grave."
Line from a traditional Polynesian song about tattooing
Richard Leakey - A quote from "Origins Reconsidered - In Search of What Makes Us Human".
"Each society weaves its own culture, a complex fabric of many elements, each element giving special meaning to the others. It is often difficult for someone from outside a particular culture to understand the fabric as an entity. Differences in language, in values, and in mythology create barriers to understanding. Pluck a single thread from the fabric, and the foreigner is even less likely to comprehend its significance. The painted, engraved, and carved images of prehistory are threads from past cultures, and we are the foreigners trying to interpret their meaning. Perhaps more than anything else, art can be fully understood only in the context of the culture that produced it."