So we are back from San Francisco and getting back in the ol' routine. We had a great time and just wanted to thank Matt, Lynzy and Kimberly for the hospitality up at Fifty24SF.
Well the trip started off with a surprise meeting. At the airport we ran into Gary Baseman, Mark Ryden and Marion Peck on there way to Mark's solo show in Tokyo.

Once we had Finally landed and got settled in San Francisco, we went to this place called the Exploratorium. I highly recommend it if you are into science and art.

Here is an optical illusion room at the Exploratorium.
Thanks to everyone who came out tto the show as well. It was good seing some old friends and making new ones...

Finally Mars-1 and I were able to get our kids together for a "play date". These kids hit it off right away, plus we got a sneak peek at some of Mars' new stuff for his upcoming show.

My heroes Alex Pardee and Robert Bowen stopped by to hurl insults and hang out..

It was great to see Mike Giant who apparently Isaac found fascinating.

Good to meet and talk to Jesse Hernandez as well.
If you haven't stopped by yet, Brandt Peters has an amazing solo show up right now at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles. It is well worth seeing...

And Last, but First Most.... My good friend Bob Dob is having a show at Billy Shire Fine Arts on Valentines day, it should be a perfect place to take your date, we'll be there for sure to check out all the new works of Art Bob has been working on.